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Learn the Secret Sins Of The Car Shipping Industry
Choosing an auto transport company isn’t simple. Why? Because you’re constantly hit with misleading half-truths, consistently vague claims and conveniently bad guidance, from super-low prices and fake claims and high pressure sales to mass distribution of your personal contact information. How can you ever figure out which company is qualified, competent, professional, legitimate car shipping company?
We have good folks on the inside who are furious watching poor saps constantly get jipped by straight up crooks in the auto transport industry and they’re ready to tell the truth about everything right now.
INDUSTRY INSIDER WARNING: Don't Hire A Car Shipping Company Until You Read This!
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Our transportation industry insiders are going to reveal:
• The #1 scam that crooked companies use to rake in thousands of dollars from unsuspecting customers in Irvine, California.
• You’ll learn the 3 most common misconceptions about shipping your car to or from Irvine, California.
• The 3 mistakes to avoid when choosing a car shipping company so your car actually arrives safely at it’s destination and not some chop shop in L.A..
Our insider, who we’ll call “Bruce,” has been in the transport industry for over 30 years. He started as a seat jockey, moving vehicles from every major city across this great nation to thousands of locations sandwiched between the two coasts.
Bruce has over 2,000,000 miles under his belt and knows the down and dirty of driving a car hauler.
He’s also a pretty smart guy. Contrary to popular belief, not all truckers are slime bags. Our industry insider is a savvy business man who took the off ramp, sold his semi and built his own shipping empire.
Bruce had a lucrative brokerage, moving thousands of cars a year. His business savvy was as obvious as a dog in a room full of cats and his company fed a lot of families. Best thing we like about Bruce is he always had a reputation for being fair and honest with his customers, even to a fault. We’ve always thought of this guy is the Abe Lincoln of trucking . . . seriously.
But our guy got tired of dealing with sleazy, difficult drivers and shut the doors, burned out and tired of the transport industry circus. He’s done other things in the industry, tried to get away from it even, but it’s his “thing.” He loves it. He knows it. And he’s ticked about how people are treated.
He's Tired Of People Getting Ripped Off By These Crooks And Is Telling The Truth About IT ALL!
That’s why Bruce is spilling the beans.
You see, only by educating people to the scams, myths and mistakes in car shipping can he make a real dent in changing the industry for good. And without his help
You Could Make The Biggest Mistake Of Your Life!
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Beware: The Security Scam
A lot of trusting folks have been burned by this one. We call it "The Deposit Dupe." They are so concerned about the cost to ship a car, they abandon reliability and reputation for a few bucks.
A supposedly trustworthy shipping company gives the potential customer in Irvine, California a low-ball price to move their car. Of course, the consumer jumps on the offer and moves quickly to book the transport.
The last piece of this scam is the security deposit. These companies require you to crack open your wallet as soon as you say, “Yes.” Once they take your hard earned money hostage, they send you on your way, promising to get your transport scheduled and get back to you.
But the way this game is played, they have only given you a low-ball bid to hook you with their amazing price. Once you’re in and toss your cash “on the table” they post your job on what the trucking world calls “Central Dispatch”
This Is Where Car Shipping Companies And Truckers Hook Up
The company posts the pickup and destination of a vehicle and transporters look for loads they can move along the path they are traveling. The thieves that took your money post the job on Central Dispatch and no one bites because it doesn’t pay enough.
Unfortunately, if your move is time-sensitive you’ve lost days before they call and tell you they need more money to transport your vehicle. Suddenly their price is higher than other companies you’ve called.
You say, “HECK NO! I’m not paying that much to move my car!”
And they just shrug their shoulders and tell you you’ll lose your deposit if you back out.
But YOU’RE not backing out. THEY changed the price so you shouldn’t be obligated.
These crooks make bank off unsuspecting people who trust them to keep their word or honor a quote. Even if you refuse the charges through your credit card company, three things have happened:
1. Your car is still sitting
2. You’re “spitting bullets”
3. You feel betrayed, confused and have no idea who you can trust now
Give any car shipping company a deposit. Never. Ever.
A reputable shipping company will never require a deposit until the vehicle is picked up. And most companies will have you pay them directly so they have some in-hand motivation for the driver to deliver. It’s called leverage and business-savvy brokers use it everyday.
That single tip right there will save thousands of people bazillions of dollars if they will pay attention to that ONE BIG RED FLAG.
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Bruce said there are three monumental myths and costly misconceptions that cause a lot of problems for folks shipping their cars in Irvine, California. Getting these fallacies and fibs out of the way will definitely help you make an informed decision you won’t regret.
No one can 100% guarantee you when your car will be picked up and delivered. Whether you ship your car to another state or are want to know the cost to ship your car across country, the transport industry is in constant motion and affected by everything from road construction and traffic to weather and late customers.
If someone is going to guarantee a specific date, you’d better expect to pay a premium price, still keeping your fingers crossed delivery goes off without a hitch. Even with a pristine price tag, there’s just not any way to 100% guarantee any vehicle can be delivered in an exact time frame and anyone who promises they can are liars.
A transport broker is a business liaison who organizes and executes the whole transport process. For the most part, almost all online car shipping companies are either brokers or lead brokers (more on that in a minute).
It is far and few between auto transport companies own fleets anymore and finding a company whose trucks are traveling the exact path you need to pick up and deliver a vehicle is a supernatural feat, much like looking for a needle in a haystack. It can happen, but 99.99568% of all cars transported any given year are coordinated through a transport broker.
Brokers connect to Central Dispatch (as I explained above) and work with the trucker drivers, finding (hopefully) the best available transport along the exact path required to pick up and deliver your vehicle. Both brokers and truckers work from a review system so it’s fairly easy to find reliable people to move vehicles to and from Irvine, California based on their track record.
Plus, a good broker knows the business and how to manage the drivers. Talk to anyone in the business and they’ll tell you (minus a few good apples) drivers are flaky. Working with drivers directly is a risky business and we’ve seen some pretty bad things happen.
Poor Sap #1 (we’ll call him Bob to protect his identity) booked a transport with a driver he met at a truck stop. Bob had no idea the driver was hard up for cash. Handing over his car and a wad of hundreds, Bob’s car never made it to its destination.
Instead, the cops found it a few months later, parked on an abandoned transporter at a Love’s outside of Memphis — 800 miles from where it was supposed to be. It cost Bob another wad of cash to buy an airplane ticket to make an appearance and retrieve it from the towing impound. Bob racked up miles on his car (and used up his vacation pay) just to get the car to Fredericksburg, Virginia, where it should have been eight weeks before.
Hire a real broker to move your car to and from Irvine, California.
There are very specific, slightly terrifying, requirements, guidelines and flat-out laws that regulate the auto transport industry. One law clearly establishes the distinction between a car transporter and a moving company. If you’re a transporter, you’d better not cross the line.
Most car shipping companies will allow you to transport up to 100 lbs in your trunk. Anything that is transported in the vehicle needs to be out of sight for obvious reasons including (regulations) and not to attract the interest of any dishonest folk.
If your car is loaded down with weight lifting equipment or gold bars, clearly it will affect the weight of the transporter when it goes across the scales and your driver will charge you dearly for it.
Not to mention, if you do push the line and find you’re on the bad side of the law, they can ticket the driver (which will definitely be charged back to you –or impound your car – or both!
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Safe & Reliable Auto Transport. No registration needed.
Bruce is on a roll. Ready to spill all the beans, call out the crooks and cook their goose. There’s a few more things you gotta know before you ship your car.
Yep. Like the Deposit Dupe, the Cheap Creep is all about the numbers. Similar in it’s nature, the Cheap Creep involves a price that makes you salivate like a dog starting at a ribeye through a plate glass window.
When you call these creeps to get the cost to ship a car, they bid low but don’t ask for a deposit. They actually PICK UP YOUR CAR and don’t tell you about the inflated price until they have it in their possession. Now what leverage do you have?
Bruce says this happens more than anyone cares to admit and the best way to avoid all this is to get everything in writing — including there will be no additional or hidden fees for pickup or delivery. Reputable companies know how to bid properly and should never have to come back to you with their hand out.
On the internet, scum bags abound. The transport industry is no different. Lead brokers are companies that don’t provide you an actual quote, but instead sell your information to multiple companies, making a mint off your deets.
Avoid the Info Pimps
Some of the top advertisers in our business are simply lead leeches. They pay a lot of money to get you to their site but don’t tell you once they get your information they’re going to sell it to a list of brokers.
There are three sites that have turned this business model into millions of dollars with no regard for the consumer. Being bombarded with calls and emails, quotes you didn’t request and having your info sold and possibly resold again by absolute strangers who pimp your private details is probably not what you intended.
Call a company direct and ask them if they sell your information. This should be clear on their site (terms of use) and if they do resell without your permission or they aren’t transparent on the matter, go after them.
If you’re not privy to the marketing world, you should know you can buy almost anything. You can buy facebook likes, followers, press releases and yes, even reviews.
While Google and Yelp and any reputable site on the internet would frown on fake reviews, we’re here to tell you it happens. Bruce told us one of the biggest culprits online added thousands of reviews to their website and business listings overnight. All automated, because I can assure you, they didn’t have a mad dash of customers pop up to post stellar reviews just randomly in perfect sync.
It’s not hard to spot them. Just be aware, getting real customers to post reviews is a challenge. Everyone’s really busy and not that many people care.
Even some of the transport review sites are guilty of selling review status or leaving up bad reviews that don’t belong to a company. So as for accuracy, use your best judgement.
All that aside, reviews are still a must in determining the most dependable company for you to work with. Just don’t be fooled by the inflated perfection these guys are pawning on unsuspecting folks.
Bruce's Bonus Tip for Transporting To And From Irvine, California
One of the best ways to protect yourself fromcheats and scammers is found in Bruce’s big bonus tip. Most simply put, he says:
Yes. Get on the phone and talk to some real live people. Anyone can say anything online and your instinct is your best gauge. Mixed with some logic and a little research you’ll make a safe and solid decision.
Here’s what our insider has shared with you —
• Talk to a Human
• Ask Questions
• Get It In Writing
• Check Reviews
• Watch For the Red Flags We Talked About
• Get The Thumbs Up From Your Gut and Then Go
Now that you know the secret sins of the car shipping you’re in the driver’s seat. You’re literally one quote away from hiring the most dependable, transparent car shipping company in the entire industry. If you want a solid, legitimate, private cost to ship a car CLICK NOW.